Therapeutic Massage

Allow me to facilitate connection between your body, mind, and spirit! Therapeutic and Thai Yoga Massage encourage embodiment through relationality. The practitioner (me, your massage therapist) and the client (you) co-create a space and time of healing. Whether you goal is relaxation or to work on specific problems in the body (possibly both), our sessions will benefit you and the people around you because massage supports a more grounded version of your true nature to shine forth.

Therapeutic Massage sessions will include a combination of classic Swedish relaxation techniques, perhaps some deep tissue technique, steamed towels, hot stones and/or herbs. 

Rates: 60 minutes - $80
            75 minutes - $100
            90 minutes - $120

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Please take some time to read my Massage Policies and feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you so much for your support. And, I look forward to working with you!
