Massage Policies

Mission and Ethics: 

My mission as your massage therapist and/or yoga teacher (practitioner) is to foster space and time where you (client) can honor your spirit through embodiment. Where yoga practice places focus on the individual’s experience of their own body, massage encourages understanding of embodiment through relationality. While I will provide the manual therapy, our work will be in partnership because your goals will be our top priority. Whether we are on the floor for Thai techniques or on the table for a more recognizable Swedish massage, you will leave your session feeling seen, relaxed, and invigorated with a sense that you had a hand in this process (pun intended).

With compassion as the cornerstone, I am committed to giving my best effort toward:

1. Honesty – communicating accurately and effectively. “Being impeccable with my word.” (Ruiz, 1997)

2. Curiosity & Awe – interest in and inquiry of the world around me, my loved ones, my students, and my clients. Staying reverent and grateful for all the wonder life offers.

3. Mutual Flourishing – collaborating with the world around me for the benefit of all.

4. Dependability & Adaptability – doing what I say I am going to do when I say I am going to do it, and staying agile. Allowing for my actions and attitudes to change with shifting circumstances. Honoring my rhythms and the rhythms and agency of others with patience and kindness.


Payment for services rendered will be due in full at the conclusion of the visit, with a partial deposit that goes toward the full amount due at the time of booking (50% for new clients, 25% for existing clients). Payment methods accepted in order of preference are: cash, credit card, or personal check. Only under extenuating circumstances will PayPal/Venmo/Zelle be accommodated; this needs to be arranged before your session. Emailed receipts will be issued upon your request.


Good communication is the foundation of any successful therapeutic relationship. Clients are encouraged to advocate for themselves during treatment. They should ask questions and request clarification on any topic relating to the work we do together without fear of judgment (There are no stupid questions and we cannot read each other’s minds). The practitioner will endeavor to do the same.

When not in a treatment session, clients are encouraged to use email as a primary form of communication. Clients will have the option to sign up for email and/or text appointment reminders. Clients will also have the option of being added to a newsletter for occasional updates and promotions. The practitioner shall respond to all emails within two business days.

Regarding phone calls, clients are encouraged to leave voicemails if the practitioner is not reached at the time of the call. Voicemails and text messages will be responded to within two business days.

Massage Therapy and Sex Work:

Massage has been historically and is to this day used by some as a front for prostitution. Regardless of our personal beliefs on sex work, let it be clear that the practitioner is not a sex worker. Therefore, sexual advances, verbal or non-verbal, sexual jokes, suggestive language or gestures, etc. will not be tolerated. The practitioner will stop the treatment session immediately and payment will be due in full regardless of the length of the session. The practitioner is also trained in self defense, both empty-handed and with weapons; if you decide to be a creep, it might cost you more than the session fee.

Personal Health Records:

The confidentiality of clients’ personal health records is of utmost importance. The practitioner is compliant with and follows guidelines provided by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for securing client health information.


o Timeliness - Starting and finishing visits on time is a top priority for the practitioner. Mild tardiness will be accommodated to the extent it is possible. If a client will be fifteen minutes late or more, the client should contact the practitioner as soon as they know they are going to be late to decide the next course of action (shortening the currently scheduled session or rescheduling).

o Cancellation Policy - When clients must cancel (ideally we reschedule) notice should be given as soon as possible with at least 24 hours’ notice. Session fees will be assessed in full for cancellations that occur within the 24 hour timeframe. Exceptional circumstances will be evaluated in terms of fee assessment on a case-by-case basis when 24 hours notice is not possible.

o Missed Appointments – The full fee will be charged to the credit card on file for missed appointments. Missed appointments are defined as sessions that a client reserves but does not attend and does not give prior notice that they will not attend.

o Personal cleanliness and health - Clients are expected to have showered or bathed before their appointment for the main purpose of minimizing body odor. Clients should refrain from wearing strong scents (perfume, cologne, soaps) to their sessions. The practitioner will also shower before the treatment day begins and refrain from wearing scents. These guidelines are to ensure the comfort of all clients, accounting for those who are sensitive and/or allergic to certain scents and scent chemicals.

If clients are sick, they should not attend their treatment session. Rather if a client falls ill, they should contact the practice as soon as possible to reschedule their visit. If a client comes to a treatment session sick, the practitioner reserves the right to immediately reschedule the session for a later date. Likewise, the practitioner will not work with clients when they are ill. Every attempt to reschedule clients for convenient times will be made. If sessions must be cancelled due to practitioner illness, no session fees will be assessed.

Clients should refrain from using or ingesting any substances that alter perception prior to their visits (alcohol, cannabis, etc.). If use of alterative substances is suspected and/or if a client presents as inebriated, the practitioner will cease the treatment session. Options for referral and/or rescheduling the appointment will be discussed.

o Interruptions- The practitioner and client should refrain from having cell phones/smart devices at hand during treatment sessions. The practitioner will silence their business and personal phones during treatment sessions and clients are strongly encouraged to do the same. If the client and/or practitioner must be available via cell phone/smart device during a treatment session, this can be accommodated and should be communicated during the intake portion of the visit.

Breaks for personal comfort (example – going to the restroom) will be accommodated and the time taken for these breaks will come out of the session. Put another way, the clock keeps running.

Interruptions on the part of the practitioner will not come out of the session time. Put another way, the clock stops. If interruptions of this nature cannot be accommodated by the client, the session may be prorated or rescheduled.

o Emergencies- Life happens! Exceptional circumstances will be evaluated in terms of fees and scheduling on a case-by-case basis. 

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Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you so much for your support. And, I look forward to working with you!
