Hello! My name is Elizabeth, Liz, Bettie. pronouns: she/her. I am a yoga teacher, licensed massage therapist, and herbalist, among other things.

I am a student of yoga for 20 years and gained my teaching certification in 2019. My main style of asana is power vinyasa, which I teach along with meditation and pre and post natal yoga. My lineage stems from the Krishnamacharya line through the teachings of T.K.V. Desikachar. I share meditation as illuminated by the Himalayan Masters and Śrī Vidyā via the instruction of my teacher Tracee Stanley. I also received formal Sanskrit education through the Dhar India Studies Program at Indiana University. 

I began bodywork in 2022 by offering Thai Yoga Massage as part of my yoga teaching. The incredibly nourishing experience of putting healing hands on people, as well as encouragement from dear friends, lead me to pursue a career as a licensed massage therapist. I graduated summa cum laude with a career certificate from IvyTech Community College for Therapeutic Massage in 2024. 

Ultimately, I foster space and time where people can honor spirit through embodiment. We are material beings and as Desikachar writes, "the world exists to set us free." Connecting with our bodies can produce positive effects in all aspects of life. While yoga asana places focus on the individual’s experience of their own body, bodywork encourages understanding of embodiment through relationality. Whether we practice yoga, massage, or work with plants together, my goal is to help you flourish in life.

Licensed Massage Therapist, MT22408432
200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher, Yoga Alliance ID 313938
Mindful Motherhood Pre & Post Natal Training – Yoga Alliance 25 CEC
Inclusivity for Yoga Training – Yoga Alliance 20 CEC
Meditation Teacher Training – Yoga Alliance 20 CEC
Plant as Portal Herbal Apprenticeship – Indiana Herbal Center 70 hours
Thai Yoga Therapy Level 1 – Nourishing Heart Yoga 20 hours
Yin Yoga & Five Spirits Energetics Training – Yoga Alliance 30 CEC
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Do not take anything I say here as medical advice. Consult a doctor or qualified medical practitioner before starting any fitness regimen or herbal remedies.

It is here that I hope to share a bit about how and with whom I move through the world. Perhaps you will join me, or at least gain an insight or two that can help you on your own journey! Maybe if we go together, we can even learn from each other.


View some kind words others have said about me.

I am so thrilled to share my success story working with Elizabeth. She started me on my yoga journey a year ago by offering lunchtime sessions to colleagues, which was where I became enamored of her teaching style and her overall positive energy. I’ve taken yoga on and off through the years, but with Elizabeth for the first time I felt supported in what I was doing, and without any intimidation of not doing things ‘correctly.’
When the world pivoted, Elizabeth volunteered to offer twice-weekly yoga breaks for our office personnel, focusing on our needs both physical and emotional to deal with the new working-at-home environments, which brought a new series of challenges (lack of movement, feelings of isolation working in our own little pods, etc). I know that more than half of the office signed on for these yoga breaks and we each felt a new sense of calm after just those fifteen minutes in Elizabeth’s caring and kind guidance.
While I had never considered private lessons before, taking these yoga breaks via Zoom opened my mind to the possibility of continuing with Elizabeth, one-on-one, every week after work. She kindly agreed, and that was the best gift I could have had. April and May were particularly difficult times for our work. Thanks to Elizabeth, I maintained a sense of balance (pun intended) and positivity through all of the muck and pain of those days. Our weekly yoga sense kept me focused, and in such a healthy body-and-mind space.
Elizabeth has the perfect voice and temperament for teaching yoga, calm and encouraging. Each session was carefully planned, never a repetition of a previous class but always focusing on areas of growth and strength. I knew that Elizabeth took care to build each session, and when I mentioned that I really benefited from one particularly challenging hour, she told me she had it written down so we could repeat it, or parts of it, at my pleasure.
Always aware of my limitations and needs for specific areas of development, Elizabeth never made me feel self-conscious during our practice. She gently guided me to a better form when needed, and always made me feel safe when introducing new or challenging poses or asanas.
I am sorry that it took a global pandemic to make me take time to introduce yoga into my regular health and fitness routine, and am so grateful to have had Elizabeth to guide me on my journey. She is truly a joy. May your path with Elizabeth be as enriching and peace-giving as mine! 

Namaste! Lisa S.

I recently took Liz's three part meditation class. I came to this as a complete novice unsure of what I would get out of meditation in general. I wanted to learn meditation to expand my tools for stress management and to learn more about the practice of meditation with hopes of adding it to my routine. From the first class, I learned practical tools that were immediately useful day to day. I found myself drawing on the skills I learned throughout the day and wanting to find time to meditate regularly. After the third class, I felt I had an excellent overview that was taught clearly, concisely, and practically. She touched on just enough theory and history to explain the practice without getting bogged down in the details and it was fascinating!
Since completing the class, I use the skills I learned nightly to clear my mind of the day and notice a significant improvement in my sleep the nights I meditate. I also use it some mornings before the workday begins and find my day goes more smoothly. I am better able to prioritize tasks, work fully on one thing at a time, and my overall productivity is high with a decrease in my stress levels.
I highly recommend this class to anyone interested in learning meditation or wanting tools to help improve stress levels and sleep. Liz is a natural teacher whose enthusiasm for meditation comes through with every lesson. She makes it fun, easy, and accessible!

Sarah P.


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